Learn how to open a link in the background in Safari on the iPad
/in Newsletter, Newsletter Premium, vTip for iPad/by Dan WassinkHave you ever wanted to open a link in the background while in Safari on the iPad? Just tap-and-hold on the link you want to open in the background, and select Open in Background. Your current web page will stay open and the link will open in the background. You can then tap on the Tab icon to show all your open web pages to see all your web pages you opened in the background.
Learn how to save a webpage as a PDF on the iPad
/in Newsletter Premium, Newsletter Preview, vTip for iPad/by Dan WassinkDid you know you could save a webpage as a PDF on the iPad? When you do this, the iPad saves the entire page as a PDF, not just the part of the page your are seeing. Once you save it as a PDF, you can annotate it and share it. See how to save a webpage as a PDF on the iPad in this tip. Note: This also works on the iPhone!
Flick Keys on the iPad to access Numbers and Symbols
/in News from Noteboom, Newsletter Premium, Newsletter Preview, vTip for iPad/by Dan WassinkDid you know you could flick keys on the keyboard on your iPad to access numbers and symbols? To make sure this is enabled, open the Settings app and under General, go to Keyboard. Make sure Key Flicks is enabled. Now when you are using the keyboard and you want to type a number or symbol, instead of tapping the shift key before tapping the number or symbol, just flick down on the key to type it.
How to report a location error in Apple Maps on the iPad
/in Newsletter Premium, Newsletter Preview, Social Share, vTip for iPad/by Dan WassinkHave you found an error in Apple Maps that you would like them to correct? Maybe the name of a location is wrong, or the location is wrong. When you report the issue to Apple, they will then correct the issue if needed. I have done this several times with a good success rate. To report an error or issue, just open Apple Maps, find the location with the error and tap on Report an Issue. From there, tap on the type of error it is, correct it, and then submit the fix. Apple will then investigate the issue and fix it. If you opted to be notified once it is corrected, you’ll get an email from Apple when the issue is corrected.