Highlighting Text in a Book
In this lesson for the Books app on the iPhone, I look at how to highlight text in a book that you are reading in the Books app on the iPhone.
Selecting Text you want to Highlight
To select the text you’d like to highlight, tap and hold on one of the words that’d you’d like to highlight. To increase your selection, drag the two handles on the left or right of the selected word.
Highlighting your Selected Text
Once you have selected all the words you’d like to highlight, you’ll see a menu pop up with various options. One of the options is to highlight the selected text. Just tap on Highlight to highlight your selected text.
Changing the Style or Color of the Highlight
The highlight style will default to the same type of highlight you used previously. So if you underlined your text the last time, it would underscore this text. To change the style or color, tap on the first option in the menu that pops up, it will show the last type of highlight by default. Once you tap on it, you can change the color or underline the text.
Viewing the Pages you have Text Highlighted
To view all the pages you’ve highlighted, tap on the book to bring the tools up. Tap on the three horizontal lines at the top to get to your table of contents, bookmarks, and notes. Tap on Notes to see all the pages you’ve highlighted text.
Removing Highlights from Selected Text
To remove the highlights from selected text, just tap on the highlighted text in the book. In the pop-up menu, you’ll see a trash can. Tap on the trash can to remove the highlight.
Adding a Note to Highlighted Text
To add a note to your highlighted text, tap on the text that is highlighted. In the pop-up menu that shows, tap on the Note icon. From there you’ll be able to add a note to your highlighted text.
See this Lesson Action
To see this lesson in action, take a look at the video above.