Viewing Recent Apps in the Dock
In this lesson for What’s New in macOS Mojave, we look at how we can view recent apps in the Dock, including how we can remove a recent app and move it to where it stays in the Dock permanently.
Working with the Dock
In the previous version of the Mac, the Dock was separated into two sections – you had your favorite and open apps on the left side of the Dock, while your favorite files and folders were on the right side. With macOS Mojave, Apple has added a new section – Recent Apps. This section is located between your apps and documents in the Dock. Any app you open that is not located in the Dock will show in this section. When you close the app, it will remain there until it is replaced by another app. The Recent Apps section shows the last three apps you’ve opened.
Removing an App from Recent Apps
To remove an app from this section, you just drag it up until you see Remove above the app icon. When you see this, your app will be removed from the dock.
Moving a Recent app to your Favorites in the Dock
You can move an app from your Recent Apps to your Favorites by dragging it from the Recent Apps section to your Favorites section in the Dock.
Turning off Recent Apps
If you do not want to see your recent apps in the dock, you can go to your Dock preference pane in the System Preferences. In this preference pane, you will see an option for Show Recent Applications in the Dock. Just deselect this to remove this section from your Dock.
See this Lesson in Action
If you want to see this lesson in action, take a look at the video above.