Putting it All Together
In this lesson for macOS Mojave, I go over how to keep your Mac organized using some of the features I went over in this tutorial.
New Finder Window Opens To
So now that we have the Finder Window set to open to the folder I want, when I open a new window, or when I save a document, it goes to the folder that I set in Finder preferences.
Viewing as a List or Column
When I view my files in a Window, I usually will have it set to a list view or columns view, then I can easily traverse through the folders.
Adding the Applications Folder to the Dock
I also add the Applications Folder to the Dock, so I have easy access to all my applications on my Mac.
Using Spring-Loaded Folders
This one can confuse people, just drag file or folder onto another folder and it will ‘spring’ open. If you do not like this feature, check out my lesson on the Spring-loaded folder to see how to turn it off.
Use Mission Control
Mission Control is not as intimidating as it looks. Add the application to your Dock and when you have a lot of windows open, click on Mission Control to find the window you need.
Don’t use your Desktop as Permanent Storage
Don’t use the Desktop as permanent storage, store files that you are working on and when you are fined with the file or folder, file it in a folder in your Home Folder.
Add Time Machine to the Menu Bar
When you add the Time Machine menu extra to the Menu Bar, you can easily see when your Mac was last backed up, as well as make a backup. You can also restore files from an earlier backup.
See this Lesson Action
To see this lesson in action, take a look at the video above.