Updated: Mail App
In this lesson for macOS Mojave, I look at what’s new in the Mail app including the new Move To button, adding emojis to new messages, and using a lighter background for reading and writing messages while using the new dark appearance.
New Move To in the Toolbar
Apple added a larger Move to button to the toolbar. This button makes it easy to move a selected message to one of your mailbox folders. Also, once you select that folder for a message, if you get another mail message from that recipient, the button will automatically select that folder for when you want to move the new message.
New Emoji Button when Writing New Messages
Now when you are writing a new message, you can easily select an emoji to include in your message from the toolbar. You’ll see a new emoji button on the right side of the toolbar when you are writing a new mail message.
Use Dark Backgrounds for Messages
If you are using the new dark appearance option Mojave offers, when you view your messages and are writing a message, the Mail app default to a darker appearance. You can change the appearance to a lighter background when you are reading and writing mail messages. To do this, open the Mail Preferences and select the Viewing tab. You’ll see an option for Use Dark backgrounds for Messages. This is selected by default. Just deselect it to see a lighter background while reading and writing mail messages. This option only shows when you are using the Dark appearance in Mojave.
See this Lesson Action
To see this lesson in action, take a look at the video above.