Noteboom Tutorials has been upgraded
We’ve made some upgrades on the site over the weekend, which inadvertently caused a few issues including not being able to sign up for a Premium Membership. We feel the issues were worth it as the upgrade we made was to make the site more secure. Now instead of just the checkout page being secure, the entire site is secure. This is something we’ve been wanting to do for a while. Why haven’t we done this earlier? Adding security to every page can make a site slow. So the solution is to add security where it is needed, such as on checkout pages. The good news is that our hosting company has made some recent upgrades and now we can make every page secure! So now, in addition to our checkout page. when you sign in, browse around, or submit a question, it’s all done over a secure connection. Of course, if you discover any lingering issues, please let us know, and thanks for your patience!
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